Why Collagen is Essential for Anti-Aging – What to Know

It’s no secret that we can’t avoid aging.

But, there are ways to slow down the process and maintain a youthful appearance well into our later years. One of the best methods is to take care of your skin from the inside out with collagen!

Collagen is an essential protein found naturally in the human body. It is found in our skin, bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.

It is responsible for keeping the skin elastic, replacing dead skin cells, and making your hair and nails shiny and strong.

Why Collagen is Essential for Anti-Aging

– What to Know

You may have noticed an ingredient called collagen in many skincare products, especially in products dedicated to anti-aging.

Still, you may not know how important its role is in tissues throughout the body. Collagen is an essential protein found naturally in the human body. It is found in our skin, bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. It is responsible for keeping the skin elastic, replacing dead skin cells, as well as making your hair and nails shiny and strong.

How Does Collagen Play a Role in Aging?

The collagen in your body is produced naturally by cells in your skin, but it will begin to decline as you age. This is not always preventable, but by supplementing the loss with outside sources of collagen, you are able to help reduce wrinkles and slow down the signs of aging.

Can Collagen Production Be Increased as We Age?

There are two main ways you can try to combat collagen loss; topical creams and oral supplementation along with consuming collagen boosting foods.

Targeting the problem from the inside has been proven to be most effective.

Collagen supplements are easily accessible and can be found at many drugstores. The collagen in these supplements is solely derived from animals.

Specifically, the skin, bone, and cartilage of cows, chickens, and fish. If you prefer a more vegan or natural route you can consume foods that naturally boost collagen production.

Natural “collagen boosters” have the ability to encourage the cells in your body to make more collagen.

These plant-based foods contain the building blocks for collagen such as amino acids and Vitamin C. A few of these collagen boosters include blueberries, dark leafy greens (such as spinach and kale), garlic, eggs, mango, carrots, and white tea.

Vitamin C is also necessary to enhance collagen production.

You can take a vitamin c supplements or consume foods rich in vitamin c, such as broccoli and citrus fruit.

What Age Should We Start Supplementing?

It is never too early to begin taking supplements.

Many people will wait until they notice wrinkles and loss of elasticity in their skin to begin collagen supplementation, but it is a good idea to get a head start before this occurs in order to slow down any signs of aging.

Aging plays the biggest role in the loss of collagen however, you should also be wary of other factors that can harm collagen production.

  • Sun damage,
  • smoking,
  • chronic stress, and
  • poor diet can speed up the aging process of the skin.
  • If you are frequently exposed to any of these factors collagen supplementation may be even more essential.

We should begin supplementation at any age to slow down signs of aging that occur due to loss of collagen however it’s also important to consider other factors such as sun damage smoking chronic stress poor diet since these speed up signs of aging.

Josie Pena
Josie Pena

Josie is a mother of two girls (3 years and 5 years old). She's a SAHM that works remotely on various internet projects. She spends her free time exploring local parks, learning new things, and recording content for her YouTube channels. You can find her blogging over at https://inspiredtoblog.com.

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