How Awards For Your Child can Improve their Behaviors🚸

Setting some routine, and discipline for your children will be the most rewarding parenting job you can do. incorporating these practices will help children form good habits, and subsequent lifestyle. Provide awards for your child with positive reinforcement certificates, after they successfully complete their routines and chores. 

Growing children need a variety of different things. Quality time, encouragement, healthy diet and exercise, and the most important of them all, love. Setting and keeping track of your child’s behaviors and actions, and providing recognition to children, is likely to improve their behaviors’ in the long run. 

A great way of doing this is by having a chore tracker for each of your children. We keep track of our actions across the week, and once the week is over, we award the children with an allowance, and occasionally a certificate. 

rewarding and providing recognition to children, is likely to improve their behaviors' in the long run. 

Download a Free Award Certificate for Kids

You can download this certificate for your child for free. You can also find the whole chore chart for kids with the certificate at the LivingLifeasMoms Shop. 

Simply print out a few of these certificates, and store them in your certificate certificate folders. After you children complete a task on their chore chart, you can notate their efforts with a star or sticker or checkmark. After giving your child their nomination certificate, frame it or tape it to the wall so that the recognition, periodically reminds them of their achievements. 

young child waking up with an alarm clock on the bed
Starting a good routine, will help form good habits in the long run.

Setting your Child’s Routine Schedule

Adding a few tweaks could be all the difference you needed in your agenda. How many of you knew that having a routine for your child to follow makes them act just a bit less crazy? This also helps the parent to know when it’s time, and for what?

Start the day off right and you’ll always have goodnights. Create a schedule for your children. Make sure they know every move, every hour, and why it’s vital to keep on schedule.

Wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, come home, have a snack, do homework, play, dinner time, family time, and goodnight. Something as simple as this could change a child’s behavior around.

They have a boundary, they have limits, and they have a timetable of what was, what will be, and what to look forward to. Your children deserve to know what’s going on so let them know. It helps with their maturity so keep them in the loop.

routines and rewards for children, building discipline in Childrens lives (4)
Awarding your child for doings things as simple as brushing their teeth is important.

Awarding your Child’s Behaviors

Awarding and disciplining have turned my child from a misbehaving and disrespectful little girl to a totally different girl. She did a whole three-sixty turnaround and it has been great since we made this change.

All parents will have their own way of rewarding and disciplining their children which is fine. What needs to be put into action is being consistent with it. Consistency is key! Award your child when goals are met or behavior has been kept up.

Whether it be a lollipop or a trip to the movies, the main goal here it to show them that good behavior is rewarded. Discipline should be dealt with as a way to prove that bad behavior does not get overlooked. Take something away, timeout, however, you decide, go with that.

When adding these to your hat of parenting skills make sure that you communicate. Don’t underestimate your children. They understand more than we all think and we don’t give them enough credit for it.

So let them know what’s going on, why you are doing this and how. They will more than likely be more open to the idea than it being spontaneous and out of the blue information. Add these small ideas to your bag of tricks and see how much greater your actors and actresses get!

reading is a common activity that children are rewarded for

What are some awards for elementary students?

Elementary students are rewarded certificates for activities related to reading, creativity, excellence, attitude, caring nature, completion of a task and more. Once children start their school life routine, there will be several new milestones that will be accomplished throughout their school life journey. 

Rewarding children for their positive behaviors and action will help them develop into a person of character. A person of good and ethical character, a person of caring and empathic character, a person of leadership and assertive character. 

awards for your child
Rewarding your children with cool and fun activities are the best kinds of rewards

What should I reward my children with? 

Parents can reward their children with recognition certificates, special outings, delicious and healthy treats, and fun activities. You can reward your child for just about any kind effort, behavior, or activity. 

Awards for your Child

Common awards for your child could be:

  • Certificate of Recognition
  • Activity for Positive Reinforcement
  • Treat (like a healthy one)
  • Outing (to an amusement park)
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Hugs and Kisses (positive physical reinforcement)
  • Acts of Service and Quality Time

Download this Free Reward Certificate to help reinforce positive behaviors with your children. 

These printable award certificates are perfect for rewarding chore completion tasks.

Josie Pena
Josie Pena

Josie is a mother of two girls (3 years and 5 years old). She's a SAHM that works remotely on various internet projects. She spends her free time exploring local parks, learning new things, and recording content for her YouTube channels. You can find her blogging over at

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