Try This Super Easy Laundry Sorting Hack

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Spring cleaning can apply to so many areas of your life, not just the dust accumulating behind the entertainment center. For us who work from home, re-tuning and updating our routines can go a long way toward keeping our schedules streamlined.
Streamlined schedules & routines is THE #1 easiest path to productivity.
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I usually start my year like everyone else, by looking at how I spend my time. By trying to figure out what I can do better. Time is our greatest asset when we work from home.
This AMAZING laundry hack has honestly helped streamline this part of my life in a BIG way.
Raise your hand if you sort by lights & darks. We are all so, so wrong.
Jorgan Page from is this all-around guru for all things family. Her YouTube video below called How I do my laundry! UNCONVENTIONAL! Laundry hacks, tips, and tricks has over 2 MILLION views, and for good reason.
This woman has 6 kids, she’s going to KNOW about laundry.
Jordan does something I never thought about and never knew I needed. She sorts her clothing by SIZE and TEXTURE, not by lights/darks. Her whole explanation of this starts on the video at the 4:30 mark:
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Here’s how it works:
Jordan says that basically the bigger and thicker the clothes are, the more water and soap they are going to suck up during the laundry cycle.
So if you have a 3-year-old’s t-shirt being washed with a grown man’s sweatpants, the t-shirt is getting less soapy water attention.
Basically, she sorts clothes into “Grownups” and “Kids.” Self-explanatory.
Then the magic happens when she sorts those piles into thickness – “heavy” and “light.”
Heavy – fleece, heavy sweatpants, sweaters, thick socks, anything with thick fabric
Light – cotton t-shirts, leggings, athletic wear, undies, anything with thin fabric
There are some exceptions so WATCH THE VIDEO, it’s a great watch. Plus, there are a TON of other laundry hacks mixed in, but this specific sorting hack is the one that changed my LIFE.
I cannot BELIEVE I didn’t think of this myself.
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How Washing my Clothes by Grownup/Kid and TEXTURE has helped me:
Things are coming out cleaner.
The reason I went searching for laundry tips in the first place was because stuff wasn’t getting clean clean. Soiled stuff or things with dirt on them just weren’t coming out right.
I tried more/less detergent, different brands, different water temperatures, and all the cycle options on my machine. Nothing was working.
The FIRST load of clothes I washed with this method came out significantly cleaner. Places on the clothes that were usually dingy or needed to be pre-treated were totally clean.
I get it done faster(!)
So now I’m actually washing 4 loads of clothes instead of 2 (lights & darks). I thought having more loads to wash would make it take longer. I WAS WRONG!!
Here’s why – clothes for the grown-ups and clothes for the kids each go in different rooms.
I used to fold a mountain of everyone’s stuff and run around from room to room putting it away. Or just leave the mountain of folded laundry on my bed. For days.
Now each load I fold is pretty much for a specific room, or at least a specific area of the house.
For me, it is MUCH faster to quickly fold a smaller pile in between tasks than try to find a solid 30 minutes somewhere in my day.
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Here’s another tip for drying your clothes faster: These Smart Sheep wool dryer balls! I have been using these for YEARS. They’re organic (no chemicals or fragrance), & cut my drying time by no less than ten minutes per load, consistently.
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If you use these and the clothes come out with too much static, you are keeping the dryer on for too long.
The first time I used the dryer balls, I kept the load drying for the amount of time I was used to. My clothes came out so full of static I was getting shocked! I left the load in the dryer way-too long, the dryer balls worked!
Next time I cut the time by 15 minutes, and the clothes were perfectly dry! I’m totally hooked, and I dont need fabric softener anymore.
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The kids are helping more!!!!!
Things that take less time keep their attention. Now they are interested in doing the actual washing & drying, and can choose to fold their own stuff, or the huge fun grown-up stuff.
Because it’s faster, the kids are more likely to help out and see it through to the “put them away” part!!!!!
My children gaining more independence is a side effect. Thank you, Jordan Page.
Now I still hate laundry, but not as badly!
What other hacks did you love from this video? Which routines do you wish were more streamlined in your life? Please tell me in the comments, I love to hear from you!!
Mina 🙂
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Checkout my other Blog Posts & be sure to follow me on Pinterest, I have TONS more great content!!
Here are some more posts that might be helpful:
- How to Reduce your WAHM Stress Level in ONE Day
- How I Meal Prep Lunch, Snacks & Dinner Working From Home + 3 Days of Recipes!
- Overwhelmed By Laundry? HERE’S What To Do!
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