Free Excel Printable Cleaning Schedule Template!

This awesome FREE Excel cleaning schedule template will make keeping track of cleaning a breeze, so you’ll never have that “friends-stopped-by-unexpectedly” embarrassment again!
This Cleaning Checklist Template is the best way to make sure you are keeping up with your cleaning tasks through the different areas of your house.
The Weekly Cleaning Schedule template is fully editable in Microsoft Excel, so that you can use your own list of cleaning activities, or follow along with the sample cleaning schedule template included.
Grab it for FREE when you sign up to my email list!

Why You Need a Cleaning Schedule Template
Cleaning is one of those chores that will always have to get done. Different parts of the home are used every day, just like clothes and food and all that. It can be very exhausting to have to do the same thing over and over and over.
But, if you have a plan in place to tackle the different tasks, cleaning your home becomes more of a routine, and less of a stressful afterthought once all your other daily tasks are done and you realize the house is a mess.
Breaking your cleaning schedule into manageable chunks that you can do each day helps keep the whole house looking neat and clean on a regular basis. It’s also much less stressful than freaking out on a Saturday morning and trying to clean the whole house at once.
Plus, if you don’t have a cleaning schedule, it’s easy to lose track of what was cleaned and when.
That’s where free cleaning schedule templates come in. This excel spreadsheet gives you a head start on creating a cleaning routine that works for you and your family.
When you have a cleaning schedule in place, and have your cleaning supplies [AL] easily accessible, it becomes second nature to just grab and go.
You’ll also be cutting your cleaning time down, because you know what to expect each day, and when you follow any routine for a while you’ll pick up different ways to make it go faster.
How To Use This Printable Excel Cleaning Schedule Template:
It’s super easy to use this template in Excel format, or to just print it out!
I personally love clipboards and binders, so I almost always use a printable version of my cleaning printables. These templates should be printed in LANDSCAPE orientation.

However, pulling this sheet up in Excel and checking off the boxes is also very satisfying.
Here’s how to use these printable templates…
- Sign up to my email list, and the Excel template will be emailed to you.
- Open the email and click on the “download my template” button
- download the template and open it in Microsoft Excel.
- If your computer opens excel sheets in “Protected View,” you may need to try opening this spreadsheet twice.
- You may need to click “Enable Editing” at the top in order to fully see and edit this template.
- Save it to your computer, so you’ll always have it
Once the Excel template is open, you’ll see there are two sheets:
Sheet One is the House Cleaning Schedule Excel Template:

You can use this schedule as-is, or simply delete and type in the rooms or areas of your home you want to clean on each day.
As you complete each cleaning task, just check off the box to keep track of what you cleaned already.
There is also space on the table for notes, like which cleaning products to use, or which family member is doing the cleaning!
Sheet Two is a Cleaning Checklist:

This simple cleaning checklist gives you a list of cleaning ideas to add to your House Cleaning Schedule on Sheet One.
Don’t think of it as a to-do list that you have to complete each week.
This checklist also has some links to different cleaning schedules to try out. Skimming those is a good place to start to think about how you want to break up your cleaning tasks on a daily basis. Speaking of which….
How to Plan Out Your Cleaning Tasks For The Week
Figuring out how to break up your cleaning tasks throughout the week may seem like a lot, but trust me, you can get away with cleaning a lot less than you think you need to!
Everyone’s home is different. You really only need to clean once a week the rooms your family ACTUALLY uses.
Once you know how many rooms that is, just take the number of lived-in rooms (don’t forget hallways), and divide that number by the number of days you want to clean (6 or 7 is the average).
Then, add on the kitchen, since it needs to be cleaned each evening after cooking.
So for example, if you live in a 3-bedroom, 2 bathroom house:
- Bedroom 1
- Bedroom 2
- Bedroom 3
- Bathroom 1
- Bathroom 2
- Living room
- Dining room
- Hallway/stairs
- Den/basement
In this example, there are 9 places to clean / 6 days = 1.3 rooms + 1 (kitchen) = 2.3 rooms
Now that you know how many rooms per day, you can sprinkle the rooms throughout your week on your Excel spreadsheet.
When you start assigning rooms to each day, you may find that grouping rooms together based on how they are cleaned makes it easier & faster to get through the daily cleaning.
Or, you may want to try grouping similar TASKS together, like all the dusting on Monday, all the vacuuming on Tuesday, all the bathrooms on Wednesday, and so on.
Keep in mind what the overall rhythm of your house is in general. Do you work during the day, are you home when the kids are in school, are there other family members that can take on some cleaning chores with you? Are mornings or evenings usually more quiet? Do you have more time on the weekends to handle more rooms?
Your cleaning plan should attempt to make life simpler, not more chaotic. For example:
- Try cleaning the laundry room, or any room next to it, on laundry day
- Clean out the fridge on the same day as, or the day before, grocery shopping
- Vacuum all of the bedrooms on the same day, etc.
Cleaning Schedules For You To Try
I have a few cleaning schedules and step-by-step guides for every type of household. Here are some to get you started:
- Have easier evenings with this cleaning schedule for working moms
- I tried three cleaning schedules, here’s the best one for Stay at Home Moms
- How to Start Cleaning a Messy House When You’re Overwhelmed
- Overwhelmed By Laundry? Here’s How To Get Out From Under It, For GOOD
Out of all of these schedules, the one I use the most is cleaning one to two rooms a day, TOTAL, plus I clean the toilets every Saturday morning.
I don’t freak out if I can’t get to a room every single week. Honestly, what helps keep the house looking clean is actually being NEAT. That means doing a few-minute tidy session of the lived-in areas each day of the week.
Unless someone in your house has a dust mite allergy, sweeping the floor and tidying up the space is 100% perfect when you are short of time.

Best Cleaning Supplies I’ve Used:
These are my all-time favorite cleaning supplies:
Microfiber Mop (from Amazon) – I have mainly wood floors so I need a soft mop that doesn’t get too wet. This mop is perfect, plus it comes with three mop heads so I don’t have to clean it with every use. I’ve had it for three and a half years.
Microfiber cloths (I got mine from home depot) – These do a great job of dusting and wiping, either damp or dry. These are the best solutions to using a ton of paper towels.
Baking Soda – I sprinkle some baking soda on my sponge to get the soap scum off of the tub and shower floors..
Any disinfectant all purpose cleaner. They’re all pretty much the same. I use Pledge Multi Surface when I’m disinfecting furniture and other hard surfaces, and I can also use it on the remotes, mirrors and light switches.
In the bathroom I use bleach to clean the toilets, so I’ll usually use the Clorox Cleaner with Bleach as an all purpose spray in that room, so that I don’t mix chemicals by accident.
Swiffer Wands (in Target or Amazon) – For me, using this is one of the most efficient ways to reach the light fixtures and high shelves, without having to drag a stepstool around.
My robot vacuum. I personally have an Ecovacs that was a gift, but there are TONS on like Amazon and Best Buy that are just as effective and way cheaper. I bet you can even find a gently used one on eBay. The only thing is that it my Ecovacs isn’t great with getting crumbs out of corners, but I’ve heard great things about the other models. It really saves a lot of time instead of a regular vacuum.
Microfiber Broom for my hardwood floors (mine is from Target) – it traps hair, dust and crumbs on my solid floors like a dream, much better than a regular broom.
Using this Excel Template with a Cleaning Service
Do you use cleaning services at your home? This cleaning schedule template is a great way to list out specific tasks. That way, you won’t need to supervise as closely, since both you and the cleaners know what everyone is doing.
The cleaning staff can just check off the list, and you’ll feel confident they did a thorough cleaning job.
Free Printable Cleaning Schedule Template Excel
Don’t forget to sign up to my email list and grab your FREE Excel printable cleaning schedule template!

I hope these printable templates make your day run more smoothly by simplifying your cleaning routine. Remember, everything doesn’t need to be 100% spotless to be clean enough. Deep cleaning doesn’t have to happen every week.
A simple routine of tidying, wiping surfaces and vacuuming/mopping the floor (without moving furniture) is more than enough to keep your home breathable, good enough for guests, and definitely good enough for you.
You’re doing great!
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