15 Super-Healthy Working From Home Tips to Keep you Productive

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Working from home…It can be a blessing and a curse at times, can’t it?
Especially right now, when we are all stuck at home, and there are only one or two computers….
Anyway, it’s times like these when I try to remember that getting stressed out about our circumstances only makes things worse. It’s bad for our mental AND physical health.
Let’s try to focus on the SOLUTION for now! How do we make working from home easier, healthier and more productive? By setting ourselves up for success!
I’ve worked from home exclusively for almost ten years. (I can’t believe how time flies!) Here are my working from home tips, to help keep your days productive & healthy:
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Tip 1: Get your Work Goals and Tasks in Order
It’s very easy to get stuck in the cycle of “busy-work.” When you are working from home, it can feel like you should be able to fit everything in, right?
Wrong! There are distractions everywhere (kids, chores, TV). While busy work is sometimes necessary, in times like these we need to focus hard on the IMPORTANT tasks that are going to move our business goals forward. (Or, the tasks that are going to get your company their results.)
Working from Home Goals First:
First, take five minutes to make a list of goals you want (or your boss wants) to hit in the next three months.
There is an excellent Goals Tracker in the front of the Passion Planner if you want to check it out:
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Or, you can check out my 12-Month Goal Vision Board Worksheets in my Printables shop. They are perfect for making sure you are improving in each area of your life, and not leaving any caegory behind:
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TIP: Keep your list out in the open. This way you’re constantly confronted with what you expect from yourself.
If you don’t want your goals out in the open for the world to see, paperclip it to the inside of your calendar. Make it a place you will see every day.
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Tasks Next:
Next, it’s time to really narrow down your list of things to do, for work stuff AND home stuff, to only what is going to have the most impact. For example at home, that may be:
- cleaning the bathrooms,
- disinfecting the faucets, and
- preparing some freezer meals (The Family Freezer has some terrific ones).
For work that may be up to your boss, or if you work for yourself, that may be whatever tasks are going to increase the number of eyes on your awesome product or service.
Get those tasks down into your planner and concentrate on finishing them. Once you’ve checked those important tasks off of your list, everything else is gravy. Plus, you’ll be way ahead of the game once civilization opens up again.
TIP: The point of this is not to shove everything on your list into little time slots. It’s only focusing on tasks that will move your job/business, or the house forward.
Once this is all over and life is a little more back to normal, make a note in your calendar once a week (not on your busiest day) to review your goals list. What can you do for 15 minutes THAT DAY to bring you closer to one of those goals? Put it on your to-do list and set a timer.
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Tip 2: Stay On A Bare-Bones Work Schedule
Easier said than done, right? It’s super annoying to hear the media outlets talking about everybody having “all this free time” now. I have regular work, my side business work, plus being in charge of homeschooling now that the schools are closed.
With that said, we have to balance life with what our job or business expects from us.
If your job is flexible with which hours in the day you have to work, take advantage and put together a game plan that allows you to work during the times of day you usually feel most motivated. Assemble some independent activities for the kids (more on that below) or get your spouse on child duty during those times, if possible.
TIP: don’t use ALL of your available alone time for working. You need rest, self-care and play time, too.
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Tip 3: Put Your Work Schedule Where You Can See It
Hang your working from home schedule in a place where you can always see it. You will be more likely to stick to it when you see that time ticking away.
Even better, hang it where the whole family can see it, to help remind everyone that you are working and help them interrupt you less.
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Tip 4: Set Boundaries With Your Other Family Members.
That brings me to the next tip. Having “the talk” with the other people in the house.
Talk to your spouse & kids about what your employers expect from you, or what kind of projects you have been working on. They most likely also have work or school responsibilities that they need help focusing on, too.
See if you can come up with a game plan together about how each day is going to look. The sooner everyone is on the same page, the better.
Even better, make a schedule chart to tape up in your kitchen!
Related: 4 Major Boundaries to Set when Working From Home
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Tip 5: Don’t Over-Eat.
I mindlessly walk to the fridge once I start thinking about finishing a project. Setting snack-lunch-snack times cuts that out completely for me.
The kids need an eating schedule too, otherwise they will be grazing all day:
- Keep healthy snacks at eye level in the fridge & cabinets.
- Have lunch as pre-prepped as possible to make it as easy to actually eat as it is to grab a cookie. Check out my Meal Prep post for ideas. They are healthy & specific to working from home. That means they are easy to prepare & eat. And drink that water!
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Tip 6: Have Education and Entertainment Set Up For Kids
So my big working mama problem right now is that our kids have “remote learning” while schools are closed. That means, I’m in charge of teaching them for five hours a day.
I’m still learning how to navigate this, so things are taking way longer than they should for everyone. That has left ZERO time for working.
So, I’ve had to resort to some independent activities, like:
- Jumping on Netflix or National Geographic On Demand for educational movies that can give you over an hour of work time.
- Ordering a video game that is active, like Just Dance!
Don’t worry too much about how long they’re in front of the screen. This is a national emergency, we are all making do with what we have.
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Tip 7: Prepare For Your Work Day the Night Before
Moving things from the day-of to the day before can free up serious brain space. Having to decide whether to do something, or let it go, when you are in the middle of work time is a waste of energy.
Take 1-3 things you hate doing during the day and prep (or do) them the night before. For example, I:
- pick out my clothes the night before (I hate staring into my void of a closet every morning), and
- throw in a load of laundry and delay the wash for 8 hours, so I can throw them in the dryer in the morning and start my SECOND load of the day!
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Tip 8: Have a Kick-Butt Morning Routine
My whole day would be a “catch-up” disaster if I didn’t have time in the morning to prepare for the day. Things like:
- Eating in peace, and starting breakfast for the kids
- Going through my tasks and prioritizing (or delegating)
- Pre-portioning snacks for us and the kids for easy grabbing
- Putting dishes away from the dishwasher, etc.
Here’s my post on how to set up your morning routine for total success. It talks about our “Core Four” life categories, and how to get a little of each into our morning routine. Plus, it’s got plenty of other tips!
TIP: You know that time you used to spend commuting? Don’t use it to add more work time into your day. Do something for yourself with it instead!
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Tip 9: Take Breaks From Working to Get Up or Socialize.
Work creep is a thing. Whether we have a boss or are our own boss, it’s very easy to think we “need’ to finish this or that, and put pressure on ourselves to keep working all day and night.
Especially now, working can just take over our whole day if we aren’t careful:
- Exercise midday (here is my at-home workouts post) to get the blood flowing, or throw on a family YouTube workout video. I’ve been joining my kids for their remote learning “gym” sessions. Better than nothing!
- Go outside for a few minutes – if this is at all possible. Right now we are all pretty much stuck in our houses. Opening a window or sitting in the back yard will get much-needed fresh air and sunlight.
- Take a walk around the block during your phone calls.
- If you have posture issues, set a timer every 90 minutes to do a posture stretch. I like this one from Athleanx.com – I do the door-jam one during breaks, & the laying down one at the end of workouts.
- At the end of the day, Face Time/Skype/WhatsApp/Facebook Live a friend or relative. Pay special attention to the people in your life who are totally alone at home, and have the kids put on a little show for them through the phone.
Take breaks, especially if you are working for a company remotely. The laws regarding lunch and break times still apply! Take them!
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Tip 10: Have a Designated Work Area.
The ideal place for an office space is somewhere quiet, with natural light and plenty of outlets.
Related: The Best Already-Assembled Home Office Filing Cabinets on Amazon
If you have a desk, terrific. If you don’t have an actual desk, no worries, let’s make one!
Grab a box & cover it with your fave color of wrapping or contact paper. It should be wide & sturdy enough to hold:
- your laptop & plug,
- a lap desk,
- clipboards,
- pens/pencils,
- hand lotion, and
- chap stick.
You’ll have an easily moveable “office” to bring to your dining room, coffee table, or anywhere, really! We do what we have to do.
Here are two of my essential, can’t-live-without tools that I use to keep my home office productive:
These wireless noise canceling headphones. I bought these a few Christmases ago for my husband to watch TV at night. I straight up stole them after a few months of the both of us working from home (he’s on a lot of conference calls). They are the quietest, most comfortable, amazing headphones and are absolutely worth the price.
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A quality planner. My planners have been there for me through my hardest times! There are two that I love right now:
The LifePlanner is at the top of my list of favorite planners. Here are some of my posts about how I use it:
- How to Organize Your Goals to Win The New Year
- Erin Condren LifePlanner Review, by a BUSY Working Mom
- Try This Epic Hack for Weekly Planner Layouts
- How to Really Use a Planner to Get Your Life Together
The Living Well Planner is UNBELIEVABLE in terms of bang for your buck. It’s got:
- Goal Setting
- Year Planning
- Project Planning
- Month pages
- Weekly spreads
- Monthly Detailed Budget spreads
- Dedicated Meal Planning space
Plus, a ton of notes space. It’s truly an all-in-one option for those of us who do well with everything being in one place.
My favorite part is this set of matching post-its that I can just stick on the planner to fill out, then take with me without taking my whole planner.
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Tip 11: Schedule the House Chores.
Instead of doing them when you think of it, try to have certain times of day for house chores. Randomly getting up to wash the dishes can lead to cleaning the counter, which can lead to throwing towels in the washing machine…..it all gets too distracting.
Getting house stuff out of the way either before or after your work time will keep them off of your mind and keep you focused.
And by the way, you’re not the only one with arms, mama! A one-minute tidy where everyone runs around the house like mad putting random things away, can really help.
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Tip 12: Plant Up Your Work Space.
Wherever you DO end up parking for work time should have some greenery. It’s good for the air & the mind.
Consider moving a houseplant into your work space. Or cutting some fresh flowers from the garden.
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Tip 13: Don’t Bring Work to Bed With You
This, I am guilty of. It’s a well-known bad habit to bring your phone to bed. I end up checking my stats and emails, and coming up with ideas I have to write down. Before I know it, I’m full-on working on a new project. In bed.
When you’re working from home, there is no physical barrier to your job. It can be tempting to take “five more minutes,” but there has to be a cutoff point. If your mind is going and going it’s going to affect your sleep, and the next day’s focus.
Consider keeping electronics either out of the room or far away from the bed, so you aren’t tempted.
Bonus: Lately, since the kids don’t have to wake up as early to catch any bus, I’ve been too tempted to sleep in. So, I keep my cell phone at the opposite end of the bedroom, with TWO alarms. Now, it’s away from me when I’m laying in bed AND I definitely wake up early to start my day with some peace and quiet.
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Tip 14: Make Sure Your Computer Isn’t Hurting Your Eyes.
You are already taking computer move/socialize/pee breaks, hopefully not to scroll through your newsfeed. This article at AllAboutVision.com has some solid steps to help make your screen & environment less eye-straining.
Call me an idiot but I didn’t realize the glare in my screen from the window behind me was making me squint until I read this article.
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Tip 15: Manage Your Expectations of What Will Happen During the Day.
This week has been a real test on my ability to hold the house and my business together. I’m not gonna lie, I had tears in my eyes more than once.
But, I can take a breath, look around and say, “What can I control?”
I can control things like the:
- dishes in the sink
- health level of the snacks I’m eating or making
- number of loads of laundry, etc.
“Controlling” a few random things during the day helps keep a semblance of normalcy in this totally uncharted territory.
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This is easy for no one. Take some cues from yourself and your family, see what is working well, and remember that family comes first.
Sometimes you just have to throw your hands in the air and make some cookies. Other times, it’s okay to set a timer for 40 minutes in the middle of the day, and ask everyone to do their own thing.
What working from home tips have helped you be successful? Let me know in the comments. I love to hear from you!
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Here are some more posts that might be helpful:
- How to Reduce your WAHM Stress Level in ONE Day
- How to Plan your Work Week to be Productive + Weekly Planner Printable!
- How I Meal Prep Lunch, Snacks & Dinner Working From Home + 3 Days of Recipes!
Great list. I think all who are newly challenged with remote working will value this.
Thanks friend! I hope you have a fantastic week.
This is the best list of WFH hacks I have read. So insightful! The kick-butt morning routine is by far my favourite item here. Led me to the Core4 by Russ and Mika. I’m speechless!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much! Yep I really lean on the Core4 whenever my mornings start to get too chaotic, it’s so grounding & grabbing any green veggie helps snap me back on track. I hope you’re having a great week!