Easy Breakfast Meal Prep Idea For Quick Pancakes From Scratch

Today I’m showing you a simple & easy breakfast meal prep idea you can use for making quick pancakes, from scratch, in the morning. 

This breakfast shortcut turns pancakes in to a super easy breakfast to make, while still making them from scratch.  It’s just as easy as using a pancake mix!

breakfast meal prep pancakes pin 1

My kids love pancakes, sometimes I feel like it’s all they ask for. But it’s not fun pulling out all of the ingredients three or four times a week. 

Now, I still love to cook them a warm breakfast some days, instead of batch cooking & reheating frozen pancakes…It doesn’t really make a difference to them, but, it makes a difference to me.

So, to make it WAY easier for me to do something I love, I use this easy breakfast shortcut: I batch prep the dry ingredients.  This way, instead of grabbing four kinda heavy bags and spilling flour all over the place three times a week, I take the ingredients out once, and mix together four or five batches of the dry ingredients, to have on hand whenever I want to throw together some pancakes.

In case you prefer videos, I made this Youtube video to show you how I do it:

Easy Breakfast Meal Prep for Quick Pancakes Anytime

All you need are:

  • your dry pancake ingredients, (the link to my favorite recipe is below)
  • a container to hold your finished product, and
  • four or five zip top bags, which you can actually reuse these a bunch of times before tossing. 

One tip that helps a lot with not spilling the flour is to put the zip top bag in a wide cup or bowl, so you don’t have to hold it open while you’re measuring & pouring. 

easy breakfast meal prep line cup with plastic bag
breakfast meal prep add flour

Once the flour goes in the bag, the bag can stay upright by itself. Once all the bags are filled, you can move them to your container and add the baking powder, salt, sugar, or whatever your favorite recipe calls for.

breakfast meal prep add dry ingredients

Once you’re done, store your container in a cabinet or pantry shelf, and now you can make pancakes without the dusty mess!

Whenever you want to make a quick batch of pancakes, just pour your bag contents into a bowl, add your wet ingredients, and your batter is done! 

breakfast shortcut batter done

This easy meal prep makes whipping up a batch of pancakes from scratch a super-easy breakfast to make.

Here is the Pancakes Recipe I love. I halve the recipe but still use the 1 egg, and I use safflower or vegetable oil in place of the melted butter, just because it’s easier : )

easy breakfast meal prep pancakes

Other Ways You Can Use This Easy Breakfast Meal Prep Idea:

You can batch-prep, or pre-prep, the dry ingredients for pretty much any recipe!  I’ve pre-mixed the dry ingredients of lots of meals and baked goods to save time, including:

  • Muffins
  • Cakes
  • Cupcakes
  • Dry Seasonings, etc.

You only need a sealed container or bag to store it for when you are ready to cook or bake.  This saves a TON of time measuring and cleaning up the floury mess.

Save Time With Your New Breakfast Shortcut!

I hope you loved this super easy breakfast meal prep idea! I love shortcuts like these.  They really help to smooth out the day, and make more time for the life we want.




P.S. Here are some more blog posts you may find helpful!

Mina White
Mina White
Articles: 89

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