It’s that time of year again, the bloggers of the Homeschool Blogging Network, came together with our 31 days series of Tips for Homeschool Moms, well, this year we’ll do it again. However, we’d like to maintain our sanity this summer so we’re going with a 10 day series instead but just as awesome.

From July 11th to 20th, I’ll be post a new post each day with a printable that would help you mommas out there. So you can check back here to see the new post. Each day each of the other participating bloggers will have a new post for you as well. This is meant to save your sanity and give you mommas a morality boost in whatever it is that you will be tackling or dealing with this year.

Since the number one complaint I get from my readers is that there are not enough hours in the day to get it all done. Boy, do I know about that. I’m going to be sharing printables that will help you manage your time better and hopefully make your day a little bit less chaotic. Because we all know, things never go as planned and things always arise.

10 Day Series Bloggers

This is going to be huge and I can’t wait for all of you to see what we have in store for you. These other wonderful bloggers will be joining in on this 10 day series and they have some delightful topics for you homeschool moms.