10 Crazy-Easy Small Habits to Boost Your Productivity Right Now

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I recently came across a Podcast episode  by Russ & Mika Perry, talking about a portion of a program Russ teaches called the “Core Four.”

The podcast is less about “productivity” and more about “life improvement” or “wellness improvement.”  But just the same, it made me think about this concept of “Where to Start??” when we talk about getting productive: what do we cut out first, what do we automate first, what do we plan out first, and all of that.

I’m certain I saw a video about this “Core Four” program, but I can’t freaking find it!  If I do, I’ll update this post, because it’s much clearer than the podcast.

Russ & Mika go into detail about how our life categories are in somewhat of a hierarchy, where if we are not performing well in one category, it most likely means we have work to do in the category before it.

The categories go like this:

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A lot of times when I think about where, or what things, in my day I want to improve, I feel my mind almost automatically pull itself into “overwhelmed” mode.  My brain gets flooded with EVERY thing, big or small, that I want to improve about my day.

I was really relieved to come across this podcast, because it gives a little bit of a framework, or a plan (love me some plans!) of where to start.  Even if you are not in a place where you want to only focus on your body & physical health (the first category), it’s really clear that Russ’ message is you can’t be a productive person in the world without taking care of yourself first.  Your mind and body are the foundation on which your relationships and business stand.  They have to be strong.


So, that is where we are starting today.


I’m definitely going to write another post only about the Core Four system because it’s all about small habits and consistency on a really easy-to-follow level.

But today is more about actionable steps we can take in general, to actually see the increase in our productivity right away.

We are starting small, and we are starting in what could be the most important area, the foundational area, of our productivity – ourselves.  Not our planners, not our inboxes or blocking out our time for other people.


You may be thinking, “wait a minute I need my inbox to be empty right now!”

But by getting some of these internal small habits down, you will automatically set yourself up for productivity in those other areas, like your business and money and relationships.


If you are just starting out, or finding yourself moving backward, these small steps that are practical and easy will be more easily and CONSISTENTLY adapted, than trying to implement a major life change:

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1. Each morning when you wake up, tell yourself one positive thing about yourself.  It could be anything, from “I like my nail polish color today,” to “I am creative,” to “I have a beautiful neck,” anything at all.  Tell yourself the first nice thing that pops into your head.

Go ahead and say it in your mind if you are embarrassed to say it out loud in front of your spouse or partner.  It’s for you, not them, anyway.

It doesn’t even matter if you tell yourself the same positive thing each day.  This very small, very short habit gives your mind practice thinking positively about yourself.


2. From The Financial Diet: Take 1-3 things you hate doing during the day and prep (or do) them the night before.  For example, I hate staring into my void of a closet every morning.  So, I pick out my clothes the night before.  (When I find the TFD YouTube video I got this idea from, I’ll post it here!)


3. Work out in your PJ’s first thing in the morning.  Take out the extra step of, “I have to change into workout clothes.”  Bonus: less laundry!


4. Dump your purse out every Sunday.  Receipts, wrappers, extra pens, crumbs from the cookie I was sneak-eating…..start the week with a clean slate.


5. Put things that need to go to a different floor in your house on the stairs.  Whenever someone passes by, they can take it with them upstairs.  (Pro Tip: This didn’t work in my house until I ACTUALLY TOLD my family to do it.  It was very frustrating that no one “got it” but of course no one can read my mind, hello)

I know this one is more of a “house” habit than a “me” habit, but a cluttered space makes for a cluttered mind.


6. Take one thing out of your skincare routine that you really don’t need.  Saves time, saves money.  Might I suggest combining moisturizer and sunblock?  I love this one from Neutrogena, it’s spf 50.


These next 4 on the list are more like one-time “hacks,” to make it impossible NOT to do your Small Habit:


7. This one’s on pretty regular rotation on habit forming lists: Keep your alarm clock away from you so you are far less likely to hit the snooze button.  So, the habit is “wake up early” and the hack is “move the alarm away from you,” so you are out of bed with your first alarm.


8. Set an alarm on your phone for the same time every day to go off – to remind you to [stand up/drink 1 glass of water/give yourself a compliment/eat a vegetable], any one quick thing you want to start doing every day, but keep forgetting.  You are creating a mindless trigger here that will force you to concentrate for a minute on doing the small habit.


9. If somebody in your house has a potty mouth, put up a swear jar to jump start some extra savings.  Killing a bad habit while simultaneously creating a good habit!  What’s more time-saving than that?


10. Make extra dinner each night, you’ll have instant home-made lunch the next day.  Huge time saver and money saver.  No need to stress about what to bring, you already know it’s going to be delicious.

If you need quick dinner ideas, my Meal Prep post has 3 very simple throw-together dinners, about halfway down the page.


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These are small habits to get the ball rolling.  Bigger habits require bigger commitment but if you are feeling stuck, unmotivated, like just plain too sleepy to try to make a “life” change, these small moves are meaningful enough to have ripple effects throughout the rest of your day’s decisions.


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Remember, the definition of “productivity” is how well we convert our input (amount of time spent) into a meaningful output (ridiculously-awesome-amazing-life-goal-reaching).  The less you need to do to reach your goals, the more time you have to live your life on your terms.

That’s why habits are so great – habits take less TIME than having to decide if you “will” or “won’t” each time you’re faced with a choice.  They are hopefully automatic, you’ve already decided and it’s done.  Getting something done in less time is the definition of effective productivity!


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Using a Habit Tracker is a Great Way to Keep Track of Your Habits

 I have this new set of 2021 Habit Trackers in my Etsy shop.  You get them in five sizes, all yours to choose from.  Here is what they look like:

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”https://livinglifeasmoms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Habit-Trackers-from-Etsy.jpg” _builder_version=”4.7.7″ _module_preset=”default” alt=”Habit Trackers from Etsy” title_text=”Habit Trackers from Etsy” url=”https://www.etsy.com/listing/932036131/2021-habit-tracker-printables-year-on-a” url_new_window=”on” hover_enabled=”0″ sticky_enabled=”0″ align=”center”][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.7.7″ text_font=”Georgia||||||||” text_text_color=”#000000″ text_font_size=”22px” header_font=”Georgia||||||||” header_2_font=”Georgia||||||||” header_2_font_size=”30px” header_2_line_height=”1.7em” header_3_font=”Georgia||||||||” hover_enabled=”0″ sticky_enabled=”0″]

 I hope these small habits are helpful to you!  I’d love to hear what small daily changes you’ve made that have been transformative for you – let us know in the comments, we can all learn from each other!




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P.S.: Here are some of my other blog posts you might find useful!

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Mina White
Mina White
Articles: 89

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