6 Easy & Useful Tips For Your Back-To-School Routine

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I get equal parts excited and terrified when Back-To-School time comes around.  I know it’s coming, and I’m so happy for the kids to continue to learn and grow. 

But, summer is way less structured, and it’s hard to let go of that carefree time.

So, the best way to get ready for the new school year is to introduce some structure before that first day back.

Jumping into the school year totally blind can be both daunting and stressful.  Starting back to school time with a routine, and a little preparation, makes it a LOT easier for everyone to start going with the school-year flow.

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Here are some tips and hacks to get your house, and family, organized and ready for Back to School time!

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Back to School Tip #1: Start Small & Start Soon

Being reasonably prepared before the first day of school will go a long way.  Things get forgotten or misplaced, and the last thing you want is to be running around the house stressed about possibly missing the bus.

Here are some ideas for doing a little “pre-first-day prep” around the house, so your back-to-school morning goes smoothly:


Start getting to bed at a decent time, and waking up at the right time.

New York summer days last well past 8pm.  It’s not easy to get kids in bed when the sun’s still out.  It’s equally difficult for them to wake up early for presumably nothing.

But, the sooner their (and your) sleep schedule is regulated, the easier it will be to wake up on time that first week of school.

I found that making sure they are really tired at night is very helpful in getting them to actually doze off, instead of staring out the window & asking for water 6 times.  The week before school starts, I intentionally schedule hours-long activities, like:

  • Zoo trip
  • Beach day
  • Pool day
  • Water park or amusement park day
  • Trampoline park

Really anything that involves climbing, walking, or any other physical activity.

Don’t get me wrong, lazy days at home are great.   But, I notice it is easier for my kids to actually fall asleep after a fun, active day.


Have one or two freezer meals ready to go.

Those first few days of school are a flurry of handouts. open house papers, permission slips, and brand new homework assignments.  The last thing that’s going to be on anyone’s mind is, “Hmm, what should I make for dinner?”

Pre-prepped, throw-together meals are THE way to go, especially for that first week.

Meatballs are great to freeze & thaw. Here’s a recipe for baked meatballs from Pinch of Yum that is delicious.  You can batch-cook these and keep them pre-portioned in the freezer.

If you have a crock-pot or slow cooker, The Family Freezer has insane recipes.  (If you don’t have a slow cooker, you’re missing out! I have this one here.)

And hey, there’s nothing wrong with having a First Day Pizza Party!


Stock up on lunch & snack stuff.

Do your kids have a few lunch choices they love?  Make sure to have the ingredients in the house, at least one week before school starts.

Just try to hide them, or they will get eaten before school starts.  Trust me on this one.


Spend a little alone time with each child.

What’s something they are looking forward to once school starts?  What’s something they aren’t? Give your child some time to let out any excitement or fears they may have about their new school year.

Here’s a good place to go less on the trying-to-fix, more on the “just listening.”

Its good to check in with your kids emotionally once in a while, it reminds them you are a safe space for sharing.

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Back To School Tip #2:  “Did I…..?” Lists

I can’t be alone here on this, but my kids need a lot of prompting to even put on their shoes.  The house is just too interesting for them, they can’t walk 2 steps without picking something random up to inspect.

A sore spot for me last year was having to say “where are your shoes” 4 times each morning.  This year I’m hoping to really put my foot down about things going in their places (shoes & coats in the closet, homework in the backpacks, etc.).

To help with that, I’m making some “Did I…” lists.

Here’s an easy example for a bathroom one:

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Did I…..

  • Wipe?
  • Flush?
  • Wash Hands?


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These are great to have in places where the kids do their homework, or keep their backpacks.  They can be great reminders for packing up the night before:

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Did I Pack My…..


  • Homework?
  • Water Bottle?
  • Lunch Bag?
  • Snack Bag?
  • Toys I Want To Bring?

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And then one by the front door, like this:

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Did I Put On My…..


  • Shoes?
  • Coat?
  • Backpack?

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Use stickers or check marks for the kids to check off what they’ve done, and maybe they can get an extra sticker or something for checking off the whole list!

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Back To School Tip #3: Let the kids pick out their outfits the night before, and you do the same.

While they are taking out their PJs each night, you can point out two outfit choices & take them out, with undies & socks.  Or if they are older, they can obviously pick themselves. 

Who knows, maybe your little ones will start coming out of their rooms already dressed & ready for the day!

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Back to School Tip #4: Set up a “Snack Center” for little hands.

I talk about this all the time, but making after-school snacks every afternoon drove me nuts.  So, I decided to make a healthy snack station in the fridge for the kids to take what they like.

I prep the snacks on Saturday or Sunday, and they are available for the week:

  • Wash fruits
  • Wash & cut vegetables
  • Slice cheese
  • Leave big cookie cutters for them to cut sandwich shapes, without a knife

**I like to allow the kids to scoop out (with supervision) their own portions of things like salsa or hummus.  It teaches them the steps of taking something out to use, and then closing/putting away.

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Back to School Tip #5: Remember, your kids are way older and way more mature this year.

They had a whole year of LIFE.  Talking to people, being with friends – you never know who has impacted them in some way, or how.

Was homework a literal hell last year?  Maybe it won’t be this year.  You can prepare for it, but don’t bust out of the gate lecturing them about not making it take forever this time.

Take a step back and see what they do.  If they are struggling in any area or task, an option is to ask their teachers (if they are elementary school aged) for some pointers, it’s great to have a fresh expert perspective.

Our kids may very well remember how hard or easy things were for them, and may now have their own coping mechanisms to adjust their behaviors to help them succeed.  Give them a chance!

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Back to School Tip #6: Dont Forget YOU!

Don’t schedule a billion things for the first day of school. You’ll be burnt out by the time the kids get home & are dying to talk your ears off.

I also highly recommend a Command Center.  Some place where you can keep a few things that you always find yourself reaching for, in one place.  (A place that is NOT your kitchen counter.  I’ve been there, done that & it’s MESSY.)


Have a caddie for holding the things you are consistently reaching for, like:

  • Stickies
  • Permanent marker/sharpie for labeling random toys they suddenly want to show their friends at school
  • Mini stapler
  • Pens & pencils
  • Paperclips


I also find that having these supplies are around are very useful:

  • A bin for school papers, permission slips, etc.
  • Your children’s own calendar so your kids can see for themselves days off, field trips & events
  • A place on your wall to tape or pin weekly schedules (if your kids have certain classes like gym or science on certain days of the week)

It doesn’t have to be a huge production!!  You can find some cheap supplies at Target, Walmart or Dollar Tree.

You might also find my 6am Morning Routine video useful, it’s got a few tips in there that this post doesn’t cover:

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Final Thoughts

Before you know it, your house will be hustling & bustling with homework, sports, lessons and all the rest.  Take a little time to prepare before those new school days get here, and you’ll be calmer, happier, and more excited!

It’s a new year!  Enjoy it!!


What’s your LEAST favorite part of jumping on the Back-to-School bandwagon?  Let us know in the comments!





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P.S.: Here are some of my other blog posts you might find useful!

6 Essential Time Management Tips for Working Moms

How to Really Use a Planner to Organize Your Life

How to Plan Your Week for Maximum Productivity



Mina White
Mina White
Articles: 89

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