How to Make Children’s Art into Gifts

What do you do with all of your children’s art work? What if you knew how to create gifts from your kids’ art work.? I know if I kept everything we’d live under piles of paper. As a blogger I take a lot of pictures, so I also so that with their art work.
I know I can’t possibly keep everything but I do keep some of them as I build a portfolio of their work for each year.
How to make children’s art into gifts
Salt dough ideas
I love making salt dough hand prints and I make them each year with my little ones because those hand prints get so big each year. It’s a time capsule of their hands size at that age.
I love how proud they are of their work and they like to measure it up to their hand and see how much they’ve grown. You can also do these with foot prints and they are wonderful gifts as well.
Frame up their work
Let your child decorate their own picture frame and insert one of their art masterpieces. I love seeing how their drawing changes over the years especially when they draw pictures of the family.
Snail mail
Yes, package it up and send it to family members. Who doesn’t love getting snail mail? When you see that they’ve taken the time to package it up and send it through the mail, it shows that you care.
Turn it into jewelry
Well I wouldn’t know how to do this myself but I sent in our dinosaur pictures and had them turned into Kids art jewelry from Adventures in a Box. How awesome are these? My kids were drawing together and both of them happen to make dinosaurs.
The upper picture shows my daughter riding on a dinosaur and my son drew the bottom one. They were turned into pendants and they are so precious. I love these. You can wear it as a necklace or use it as a keychain. They’re too cute so I’m not going to ruin these by carrying them around on my keys. My hubby hangs one on his car mirror.
While I didn’t expect them to capture the extremely fine details of the teeth on my son’s picture but otherwise, you can tell it’s his spinosaurus. I love it.
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