Ideas for Quality Family Time

It’s weird that you can be home with your kids all day but may not have quality time with them. I have to make an effort to spend time with them individually because their age gap is bigger, they’re not interested in the same things. My daughter’s choice of TV shows are baby choices in comparison to my 3rd grader. Then my teen is in a whole other realm.
Go out into the community and be of service to others, find something in your church, visit the retirement home, volunteer at the food bank or bake cookies for your police or fire department. Get your children thinking of how they can contribute to others and their community. As they see you lead, you’ll be an example that they can model in the future and it brings a wealth of discussions for your family.
Nature walks or hikes
Get outside and into nature and go for a walk as a family. This gives you a chance to explore the outdoors while giving your exercise as well.
Read Alouds
Kids can never get too old to enjoy a good book, I love reading a book as a whole family because each child will have their own interpretations. Family discussions can also be more interesting as you discuss the book’s themes and conflict. I enjoy asking if they would have done what the character had done. There are some wonderful classical book series that we love, and I look forward to going through them as second and third time with my younger kids.
Don’t have time to sit a read, why not play an audiobook in the car as you drive them to their activities?
The Invention of Hugo CabretThe Indian in the Cupboard
The Phantom Tollbooth
Family Movies
Sometimes we can’t head outdoors because the weather isn’t cooperating or we’re just plain old tired out. This is a great time to enjoy a family movie and there are so many choices that can be enjoyed by the whole family. With such a huge age variation, they all enjoy and laugh at these three movies, which are some of our all-time favorite movies.
Despicable Me 2Big Hero 6 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD)
Wreck It Ralph
Cooking can be a tedious task when it’s done alone, get the kids involved and they will be so enthusiastic to help you. You may raise a little chef. Pick up some friend kids cooking books and see what peeks their interests. My daughter loves baking because they love eating their hard work. If my kids want to try something new, I encourage them to find a recipe on Pinterest and I have them create a list and we get to work.
Cooking Class: 57 Fun Recipes Kids Will Love to Make (and Eat!)The Young Chef: Recipes and Techniques for Kids Who Love to Cook
American Girl Baking: Recipes for Cookies, Cupcakes & More
Strategy Games
If you have older kids, they’ll appreciate some engaging strategy games. My kids’ favorite computer game is Age of Empires and their father plays along with them. I guess because it all has to do with war and battling enemies.
The Settlers of CatanRisk Game
Age of Empires III
Interactive video games
While I’m not a huge fan of video games, I do love the Wii and Just dance game because it gets you up and moving. This is a game that my 4 year and teen can enjoy together. It gets you more active than sitting on the couch and playing. If the weather is preventing you from heading outdoors, I like have these options to occupy the kids indoors.
Just Dance 2016 – PlayStation 4Wii Sports
Mario Kart Wii
More Family Time Ideas
5 ideas for HOW to have family time with teens and adult children – Kim at Day to Day Adventures
5 Frugal Family Fun Ideas – Sara at Embracing Destiny
Family Time with Game Night – Stacy at Three Busy Bees
Carve Out Family Time with Halloween Classics – KT at Lit Mama Homeschool
Literacy Tips for the Whole Family – CHB Link-up #3 – Ginny at Not So Formulaic
Kitchen Labor And How It Helps Our Family Grow – Tatiana at The Musings of Mum