10 Non-Negotiable New Year Resolutions That Will Make Life Easier

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10 actually useful New Year Resolutions that will make life easier, organize your day and your life!

Of all the things our day is filled with, there are the day-to-day things we have to do:

  • Eat,
  • Clean,
  • Work,
  • Shop, etc.

Those day-to-day tasks can be really easy, or REALLY HARD, depending on how we approach them.

The one thing they will always be is necessary.  But, I can make them work for me to make life easier, or I can fight them and complain all day long.

This year, in an effort to reduce the amount of stress and chaos in my family’s day, I’m taking on 10 non-negotiable New Year’s Resolutions to make shortcuts in my day, and make my Home and Life more organized.

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10 Non-Negotiable New Year Resolutions to Make Life Easier 

I will have Three Pantry Dinners in the house at all times.  This is an easy one.  Pantry staples are “staples” for a reason, everybody’s got them on hand! 

Take a look at your pantry every few months to see if any foods need to be re-purchased, and you’re good to go.  Then, try out one of these 10 pantry dinner recipes, from the Kitchn!

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I will coordinate with my S.O. to Pick Up One Chore that I regularly do.  Is there something you just can’t stand doing, or that regularly makes you choose between doing it, and doing something really productive?  Talk to your S.O. about taking it over.  People truly love to help if you just ask!

(By the way, I was sick this week & the whole house quickly realized that I’m the only one who takes out all of the garbage and recycling.  Yikes!)

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I will teach each child how to Perform One Chore that I regularly do.   

Jordan Page at funcheaporfree.com has a cool video about how to get kids to do cleaning chores:

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I will have four go-to Meal Planning recipes.  I don’t mean “meal prep” like cook 6 chicken breasts on Sunday and have leftovers for dinner all week.  Meal planning means having four recipes that are easy, one-pan if possible, and will take less than 20 minutes to cook.

These recipes should be:

  • Very easy to throw together – not a lot of ingredients; and
  • Able to be prepped beforehand – meaning you can make the marinade/chop veggies/batch cook the carb/measure the spices out on Sunday, and throw it all together on Monday or Tuesday night.

If you need help with this, here is my post on how I meal prep on Sunday, with three very simple, mix & match recipes.

Remember, any healthy meal has a basic formula: Protein + Veg + Carb.  If you like chicken, Tasty has a video I’ve been going back to with one-pan chicken & vegetable recipes:

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I will go Grocery Shopping once per week, maximum.  Going shopping 2-3 times per week leads to spending more money.  Plus, you waste time and gas.  Your time is more valuable than that!

I know this one is a little more involved, and includes planning out your meals, but since you already have 4 meal-planning recipes under your belt **wink**, the grocery list is simple & easy.

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I will make enough dinner to pack/eat for lunch the next day.  How easy would it be to simply put together one extra plate of dinner?  Cover & stick the plate in the fridge.  Tomorrow’s healthy, filling lunch is only a 1-minute microwave away.

If you commute to work, invest in a good set of Tupperware & reusable utensils, and pack up that extra meal to go!

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I will Label all Leftovers….with the date.  Who can remember what you made a week ago? Do this instead, very simple and easy…..All you need is a roll of scotch tape, and a permanent marker!

Just put a small piece on tape on the container….and write the date you cooked (or opened) it!

Label Leftovers With The Date Make Life Easier

The tape comes off with no problem.  I write dates on my leftovers, plus any bottles or containers that need to be used within a certain time after opening (like chicken broth).

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I will move all of my Social Media icons to hard-to-reach folders on my phone and/or computer.  Three folders deep seems to be the magic number.  We are creatures who need instant gratification, at some point it’s just not worth it to fish through the folders, just to scroll Instagram.

I heard something hysterical the other day…..James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits  (an amazing book), has his assistant CHANGE HIS SOCIAL MEDIA PASSWORDS every Monday morning, and give him the passwords every Friday!!  That’s dedicated.

Less distractions definitely make life easier.

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I will install an app on my phone and/or computer to track how I spend my time using electronics.  Caps on the time we spend using screens aren’t just for kids.  It’s possible that we are always rushing around in part because of the time we are wasting on our devices. 

Try out the free Rescue Time app, which automatically tracks how much time you spend on your phone, and what you’re doing.  Or, check out this pretty current list of the best time-tracking apps, both paid and free.

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I will put my phone away during dinnertime, every night.  It’s just good manners, people.  Yet there is always at least one person at every dinner I eat, who has their phone on their lap. 

Unless somebody’s in the hospital, put your phone in the cabinet.  I bet there will be more story-sharing at the table!

If nobody’s talkin’ at dinnertime, try asking your family members:

  • What is one thing you did today that made someone else happy?
  • What is one thing someone did for you today that made you happy?

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  • Conclusion:

    One thing I hate doing, yet I do it often, is telling my kids to “Hurry up.” Every year, one of my big “New Year Resolutions” is to cut that out.

    But, it’s not as easy as just not saying, “Hurry up,” when the number of things to get done before we go hasn’t budged.

    So this year, I’m telling my house to hurry up!  I’m telling my dinner, my chores, my shopping, and everything else to speed it up.

    Of course, our day will move forward, whether we like it or not.  But with a few of these 10 tips, it can move forward more gracefully and in a streamlined way, leaving stress, hurry and worry behind.


    What are you hoping to change this year, to make your life easier? Please leave a comment!




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P.S.: Checkout my other Blog Posts & be sure to follow me on Pinterest, I have TONS more great content!!

Here are some more posts that might be helpful:

How to Simplify Life & Actually Stop Wasting Time

Organize your Goals to Win the New Year

Must Read Personal Finance Books If You Want Real Wealth This Year

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Mina White
Mina White
Articles: 89

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