How To Stop Forgetting Your Quarterly & Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist

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We all know there are Monthly & Quarterly Cleaning & Life things that need tending to, but how often do we forget to do them, and then can’t remember the last time we did them?  Here’s how I keep up with my quarterly & monthly home maintenance checklist!


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There are tons of day-to-day tasks that get first dibs on our brain power.  It’s very hard to remember things that only have to happen once in a while. 

There are things around the house I should be doing once a month.  But, they usually fall through the cracks, or get pushed aside, even if I specifically schedule them.

I especially have always had a hard time remembering when, or if, I cleaned out the ice machine in my fridge, for example. 

These things have to get done or stuff gets gross.  But, trying to keep track of how long ago they last happened is next to impossible when your brain constantly prioritizes your more immediate, daily tasks.

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So, I came up with a little system, using my Planner, that keeps track of my monthly home maintenance checklist for me.

It’s usually as simple as having a system to keep track of these things.  I’ve tried lots of ways to stop forgetting, from a big sign on my wall, to a bunch of cell phone apps.

It doesn’t work out.

When I put these monthly or quarterly items into a digital calendar or my cell phone, it goes like this:

  • The day comes,
  • The reminder pops up on my phone,
  • I swipe the reminder away,
  • Sometimes I say, “Oh yeah, I’ll do that today.”
  • I forget to do the thing, and never think about it again.


What has worked the best for me is always having (1) a paper calendar or journal, and (2) a checklist. Now, I can’t just “swipe” the reminders away.  The tasks are outside of my brain, ready to remind me if didn’t get them done.

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Here’s Where I Keep My Home Maintenance Checklists:


In my Erin Condren LifePlanner, every month has this unnecessarily huge “Birthdays” section.  I personally found it a big ol’ waste of planner real estate space.  That is, until I realized it’s a perfect place for this monthly checklist!

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(I used liquid glue on this month, definitely use a glue stick so it doesnt bubble like mine did!)

Every quality planner usually has a nice chunk of space around the “month” section.  Take a look in yours, or check out the LifePlanner, you can get a $10 coupon emailed to you when you sign up for their Rewards Program here.  Just enter your email on the right side, click on “Enroll in the EC Rewards Program” under your info, and you’ll get the coupon!

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You can also use one “notes” page in your planner to make one running list for the year, like this:

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Just check off the box each month, or whatever interval the task needs to get done.  It’s neat, too!

I made this home maintenance checklist on the Passion Planner I’m trying out this year.  For every planner you buy, the company gives one planner to someone in need!


NOTE: If you don’t have an unused lined paper in your planner, you can make your list on separate paper and add it – I personally love these planner clip-ins, you can just instantly add the page where you want it each month.  The clip-ins are also perfect for party invitations.


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What Goes On My Monthly Checklist?

Your list should include the obvious (and boring) household cleaning/maintenance stuff.  I also include things like “Call Grandma,” and “Read One Book.”  Things that I say I’ll get to, but usually don’t unless I make it a priority.


My “Once a Month” List Includes:

  • Disinfect the washing machine & filter,
  • Clean inside the dryer vent (I have a flat vacuum attachment and it’s pretty thorough)
  • Get a Car Wash
  • Clean the ice machine & ice holder in my fridge
  • Wash duvet/comforter cover (we use flat sheets between ourselves and the comforter, if you do not, you would need to wash this more often)
  • Visit Grandma
  • Read One Book
  • Wipe the Baseboards
  • Backup my Digital Photos & Delete from my Phone
  • Rinse the vacuum filter, etc.

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For the Less-Often, Quarterly or Yearly Tasks:

I’ll write the task into the list on the month I need to get it done.  Then, once it’s done, I will:

  • Check it off,
  • Write the date completed next to the task, and
  • Skip 3, or 6, or however many months, ahead in my planner and write the task in again.

That way, once the month comes around, the task is already in there.  No need to try to remember anything.


Examples of my Quarterly/Biannual Tasks include:

Every 3 months:

  • Cleaning my water dispenser
  • Cleaning out fridge
  • Vacuuming/washing the curtains (I usually do this at the start of each season)
  • Degrease around stove (air vent, cabinets & hardware, backsplash)


Every 6 months:

  • Clean freezer
  • Remove & clean light fixtures
  • Rotate mattresses
  • Replace inner shower curtain
  • Rotate out-of-season clothing for in-season clothing
  • Clean out the mudroom/entryway closet (it gets smelly in there if you’re not careful! And, sometimes it’s the guests who notice, not you)

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For The Waaaaaay Less Often House & Life Tasks:

Sometimes I have things that need to happen every year or few years.  What I do is, at the end of my December section of my planner, I will add that month/year and thing to do, so that in January when I have my new planner, I add it to the correct date so I don’t forget it:

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An example of this is if you have a septic system, which needs maintenance every 2-3 years at minimum. 

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Keeping the whole world inside your head is a recipe for disaster.  A quick and easy monthly home maintenance checklist, kept in a planner you use every day, will help keep everything together, and keep up with your life.

Plus, planners only work if you put them to work, mamas.  That’s why I love planner hacks like these!

Don’t forget to check out the LifePlanner, you can get a $10 coupon emailed to you when you sign up for their Rewards Program here.  Just enter your email on the right side, click on “Enroll in the EC Rewards Program” under your info, and you’ll get the coupon!


How do you keep track of all your “life” stuff?  Let me know in the comments!




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P.S.: Checkout my other Blog Posts & be sure to follow me on Pinterest, I have TONS more great content!!

Here are some more posts that might be helpful:

Here’s the Best Bills Organization Method that Works!

Organize your Goals to Win the New Year

Must Read Personal Finance Books If You Want Real Wealth This Year

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Mina White
Mina White
Articles: 89

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