7 Tips to Get Kids Back on Schedule for School

Looking for tips to get kids back on schedule for school? I’ve got you covered. When it comes to planning and prepping for the start of school, you can’t go wrong with these simple tips. Use all of these back-to-school ideas as a fun way to make the start of the school year exciting for all!
School starts in just a few weeks and you have a big problem. Your kids are going to be in bed later and later and getting up later and later. If you want to get your kids back on schedule for school, there are a number of easy tips you can follow.
The earlier that you start this process now, the quicker they’ll fall into it and get right back into a schedule that works for everyone.
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Tips to Get Kids Back on Schedule for School
Keep in mind that not all of these tips will work well for your kids. You’ll have to step back and figure out the best ones for you and your family.
Slowly Adjust Bedtime
Sending your kids to bed hours earlier than what they’re used to isn’t going to work. Instead, start sending your kids to bed 15 minutes earlier each night. This small amount allows kids to more easily adjust to an earlier bedtime. The same goes for waking your kids up earlier the next morning.
I would suggest that you start on this step asap. This is going to be one of the hardest steps that will take the longest to stick. More than likely, you’ve been having longer nights during the summer so now is the time to prep.
Be Consistent
It doesn’t matter if it’s Monday or Saturday. You want to continue to send your kids to bed earlier each night. Don’t make the mistake of allowing your kids to stay up on the weekends. Doing so will undo all the hard work you’ve done earlier in the week.
This is such a common trap that we all fall into. And it’s amazing that how one late night can undo all the work that you’ve done over the past few months.
Eliminate Electronic Use Before Bed
Studies have shown that it’s much harder to fall asleep when you’ve been using electronics before bed. Instead of allowing your children to unwind with their tablets before bed, switch to actual books. You want to set a curfew for electronics an hour before bedtime.
Be consistent with this as well. You’re going to want to show the kids that they don’t need to be on their screens right before they fall asleep.
Move Bath Time Closer to Bedtime
A warm shower or bath can help make kids sleepier. This is especially true in the summer. When they step from the warm tub into a cooler, air-conditioned room, the immediate reaction is to want to curl up in a warm blanket. The warm shower or bath also helps kids unwind.
I still try and use this routine for myself and I love how relaxing it is!
Add Blackout Curtains to the Room
One problem during the summer months is how late the sun is out. One way to avoid this problem is to add blackout curtains to your kids’ rooms. It’s much, much easier for children to sleep when their sleep environment is dark.
This is another trick that can work on yourself as well. If you’re needing to get a better nights sleep, add your own blackout curtains to your room so that you can block out the light.
Avoid Caffeine and Sugar Close to Bedtime
A great rule of thumb is to avoid caffeine after noon. You also want to limit sugar intake in the evenings. Instead of having a bedtime snack of cookies and milk, opt for a snack low in sugar, such as baked potato chips or popcorn.
I like to snuggle with a glass of tea at night. And if you have decaffeinated tea, this can be a great idea for the kids, too. You can also use this as a way to bond together at night but sitting together and enjoying a cup of tea.
Last, but not least, get your kids in the habit of stretching before bed. Stretching is a wonderful way to relax the body and mind. You can also teach them to focus on their breathing to help them fall asleep faster.
We like to put on some calming music and have a blast stretching and workout out before we fall asleep. It’s a great way to unwind.
You’ll be surprised that a lot of these are actually things that the kids are going to look forward to as well! Use these simple ideas as a way to create a bonding time with the kids so that they’ll be happy and excited for school. Just a few tweaks can be done to get everyone in the family back on track easily for the start of the new school year.
And remember that you can adjust any of these simple tips to be perfect for what works for you and your family.
It can be hard to get your kids back into a schedule that allows them to get up early for school. However, with a bit of work and consistency, your kids will get back on schedule for school.
Just remember that you might need a few weeks to have it getting back into a routine. Don’t stress out or rush the process but instead enjoy it. Your kids are probably going to be nervous about starting school and you just might find that these methods are calming to them in a way that helps them adjust getting back to school.
Looking for even more great back to school tips? What about tips on saving money? Ready more about your great options here!
I hope that you all have a great start to the school year and that everyone in your family is excited.