Printable Family Chore Chart

Tired of your house looking like you had a frat party in it? If you’re running yourself ragged picking up after everyone’s mess, you need a system. This printable family chore chart will help get you organized.
Get your kids on board and start getting into a routine with them helping you out. You don’t live in your home alone, there are little people in your home creating a mess. Toddlers are not too young to help clean up their toys.
When my oldest was in daycare at 2 years old, anytime I said we were going outside, he’d start cleaning up. Because that’s what they did at daycare, he had gotten into the habit of doing it and that’s when I realized it was definitely not too young to start training your child to help.
My 5 year old daughter loves sweeping my kitchen floors. Is it spotless? Nope, but she’s helping and I’m trying to cultivate an attitude of helping and serving others. Because we all know momma has way too much to do, toy pick up would be one less worry.

Printable Family Chore Chart
Print out this family chore chart to get your whole family on a cleaning schedule so you don’t have to stress about it alone. This will take some work and you need to be consistent with it for it to succeed.
If you need help getting started, I’ve created a list of things that you can get your kids to help with. Depending on their age, I do have a teen, you can adjust it to your family’s need.
When it comes to taking care of the house, everyone can easily join in and help. There’s no reason that you need to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of the house all on your own!
Things to put on your family responsibility chart
These are just a few examples of things that your family can help out with. You can always alter this list or add to it easily as well.
- Pet care
- Dishes
- Folding laundry
- Mowing the lawn
- Shoveling snow
- Make your bed
- Dusting
- Take out the garbage
- Setting and clearing the table
- Clean your room
- Clean up toys
- Clean the windows
Need more than a printable? Grab one of those magnetic calendars or to-do list and put it up on the wall for everyone to see. For littles, you can make a visual chart or schedule with pictures of their tasks.
When you make something that everyone can visualize, it helps to put it into perspective about what chores each person needs to do. It also helps to hold everyone accountable as well.
I’ve found in our house that the kids really do a good job when they see their names associated with the chores and responsibilities, too. They also love to put a checkmark next to their names or cross out the chore as they get it done.
This is a super simple way to build their confidence and let them showcase how proud they are that they’re done with their chores for the day.
Recommended Family Chore Charts and Resources
Don’t want to make your own? Try one of these and see what other ideas you can come up with.
Melissa & Doug Magnetic Responsibility ChartMagnetic Chores Chart – Family To Do List – Behavior Charts Honey Do List
Cleaning House: A Mom’s Twelve-Month Experiment to Rid Her Home of Youth Entitlement
Grab your free family chore chart below!
Take a look at the other Free Organization Printables for Busy Moms in this series.
We are just getting our kids into doing chores. Kids love having something to check off, don’t they?! Visiting from Think Tank Thursday party.