Mini Unicorn Journal Printables

The kids will love these Mini Unicorn Journal Printables! They’re perfect for unicorn fans and are so much fun to do! If you’re looking for a fun printable for kids, this is it!
We’re all about unicorns in our house. We love them and love everything about them. They’re just one of our favorite things and anytime we can have fun with unicorns, we’re all in.
These journals for kids are great because it gives each child a chance to make their very own journal. They can fill out the pages, write their thoughts, do their own drawings, and more!
Make sure to check out my Cool DIY Unicorn Gifts for even more fun unicorn activities and ideas.

Mini Unicorn Journal Printables
I’m always trying to think of ideas and activities to get the kids working on their handwriting. They’re not opposed to writing but sometimes, they just need a little creative boost.
Once we combined unicorns with the idea of a journal, it was an instant hit! They LOVE having their own printables that they can use to write down anything that they want.
It’s fun watching them gain confidence in their writing skills because they’re able to do each sheet on their own. This gives them space to write and space to be creative without having to share that space with anything or anyone or than their thoughts.

Fun ideas to use this printable journal for kids
The great part about this journal is that it’s easy to fill in and use. Each page has a prompt or idea on it for the kids to write out an answer but they can also use the space to fill it in however they want.
This is where you can encourage them to slow down and read or just write out their thoughts.
I also think that it’s important to tell your child that they don’t have to fill out the entire packet all at once. It’s their journal so they can complete it however they want. One page a day, two pages a day, all at once, or over the span of a week or month. Don’t set limits on it – just let them use it as they want it.

What is included in this unicorn journal?
Since it’s a mini journal, it’s full of a lot of fun mini pages and activities. They’ll get to write or draw out what they’re grateful for, their goals, all about them, and more.
The entire journal is supposed to be all about them. This will help them to think about things that they like, that they don’t like, and give them the space to answer the questions in any way that they want.
The Importance of Journaling for Kids
Having a journal is a great resource for kids and adults. Journals are a way to get out thoughts, emotions, and to help with creativity.
As kids get older, they’ll appreciate having the chance to have a journal to explore thoughts and ideas. Even though this journal is geared towards younger kids, it still starts them in the thought process of the importance of journaling.
Journaling can help with thoughts, emotions, and just be an outlet on so many levels. Since this one is unicorn-themed, it’s such a fun way to combine something that they love with encouraging them to write out their thoughts.
Ways To Share Your Love of Journaling
When I journal, I use it as a way to write out my thoughts, lists, to-do’s, and more. My journaling is a combination of stories, memories, thoughts, emotions, and things that I want to get done. It’s like the perfect storm of everything happening in my brain and I love that I can use a journal to write it down and make sense of it all.
When it comes to talking to the kids about journaling, I want them to know that they can use a journal in any way that they want as well.
Some kids like to draw and color their thoughts and feelings while others prefer to write them out with words. You may have one child who likes to write in cursive while the other prefers to draw their thoughts.
The great thing about journaling is that there isn’t really a one size fits all approach. It’s more of a way that works best and then encourages them to keep up with it.
Journaling is something that I love to try and do daily but that may not be practical for all. This mini journal for kids is one that they can do at their own pace and hopefully have fun doing it.
Make sure to get the journal below! The kids will love having their very own journal that they can get started on right away!
I hope that they love all the pages in this journal. Have them look through them all first to help get excited about getting started!
Are you looking for some outdoor activities for your kids to do this summer? Try this Outdoor Summer Challenge for Kids and get them busy, active, and learning.
More Unicorn Activities
Since everyone loves unicorns, it just makes sense to have even more unicorn activities for everyone to do! Below are a few of my favorites that I think you’ll love.
White Chocolate Unicorn Bark Recipe
If you’re craving a simple and easy treat, you’re going to love this Unicorn Bark. It’s a fast and simple dessert recipe that we make at least 2-3 times per year. The kids love being able to help and it’s the perfect dessert to have made right at home.
I love printables for the kids. These activity sheets show that learning can be fun! And they’re really not even going to think that they’re learning! Print them off and let the kids get started! They’ll have a blast and love going through all the pages.
Unicorn Gratitude Journal for Kids Printable
Teach your children the importance of expressing gratitude so they can appreciate the things they already have instead of being unhappy and wanting more.